Yesterday, I played with the aforementioned band. There was much flailing on strings by me and it was all very inglorious yet, awesome. And in related news the massive blister on my index finger is looking better, the thumb, not so much. I'd say more but it was really just me and some guys playing music, playing more music, loling, playing music, taking a break, and then playing music again.
Also, today, I went to the dentist. Surprisingly no blood was drawn, my regular cleaning went by without incident, and I don't need any fillings, which is surprising how much sugar I eat.
So on both counts, all went better than expected!
And speaking of metal, there is yet another kind of metal that has taken my interest, scrap metal in Team Fortress 2. The mass of weapons that were released a few days ago have had their crafting recipes discovered, dropping their value exponentially. Luckily for me, I scrambled to trade them away, and succeeded before everyone else became aware of the recipes. So, a profiteer is me!
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