Word of God

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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Wonders of Science

Gentlemen, today, I did science!

Today began like any other day, with me staying up past midnight playing video games.

So, today, I finished playing Alien Swarm at around 2AM (which is a totally awesome, totally free game), and went to sleep, then got up, went to school, and then went on an "excursion" to the Gene Technology Access Center on campus, where I did this. And I was shocked. Because for the first time in a long time, my school had made science fun again. The program consisted of an incredibly boring lecture, which was good because I used it to catch up on some sleep I needed, followed by the 2 practical tasks ran simultaneously, which were totally awesome. We learned how to operate all the equipment necessary to complete the tasks, and consequently how to perform the tasks ourselves. Altering the DNA of E.coli to make it antibody resistant may not seem like tons of fun, but ... hey what am I talking about. Splicing genes into a potentially lethal strain of bacteria to make them even more lethal sounds like lots of fun to me! Luckily I didn't ingest any, so we're all safe for now...

So yeah. Me + Laboratory = Win. Or lose, depending on whether or not you piss me off. They didn't let me keep the lab coat though. Or the E.coli. Its probably better for the good of the world that I'm not allowed to handle potentially lethal bacteria. Or sharp objects. Or blunt objects.

This is going right up there with "fun stuff that seemed educational and boring but wasn't" along with Monash University's Computer Games Boot Camp (Think school, except replace all the boring stuff with games. And free stuff), and RMIT's "Engineering Experience" (the first and last time I will see what happens when you electrocute a pickle).

Hello World!

Hey, its me, Sam Reich here. You may know me as "Jesus", "War_Wrecker" or "Epic Beard Guy!". Or maybe you don't know me at all and you managed to fin this blog via random happenstance. If that is the case congratulations, you get a cookie (not really). Expect more posts regularly about food, video games, philosophy, politics and stuff that's actually relevant to me.

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